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- <title>
- China's Li Peng at UN Security Council Summit
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- <hdr>
- Foreign Policy Bulletin, January-April 1992
- Security Council Summit Meeting: Li Peng, Premier of the
- People's Republic of China
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> For the first time in the 47-year history of the United
- Nations, the Security Council meets here today at the level of
- Heads of State or Government of its Member States. I am very
- glad to have this opportunity to attend this meeting, as the
- representative of the People's Republic of China and, together
- with my colleagues from other countries, discuss major
- international issues including, in particular, ways to give
- support to a greater role of the United Nations in maintaining
- peace and promoting development in the world, as well as
- exchange views on other issues of common interest.
- </p>
- <p> I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to thank the
- Right Honorable John Major, the Prime Minister of the United
- Kingdom, for his initiative for holding this meeting. I would
- also like to express once again our warmest congratulations to
- Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali on his assumption of the office of
- the U.N. Secretary-General.
- </p>
- <p>World at Turning Point
- </p>
- <p> The present-day world is at a vital turning point. The old
- structure has come to an end while a new one has yet to take
- shape. The world is moving in a direction of multipolarization.
- World peace, national stability, economic development are the
- aspirations shared by the people everywhere.
- </p>
- <p> The tense face-off of the two major military blocs in Europe
- which lasted for nearly half a century is no longer in place.
- Some regional hot-spots have either been, or are in the process
- of being, removed. The international situation has eased to
- some extent.
- </p>
- <p> However, factors threatening world peace and causing
- international tension have not been removed completely. While
- some old contradictions and confrontations have disappeared,
- new ones have cropped up, rendering our world neither tranquil
- nor peaceful. The Middle East question remains unresolved after
- the Gulf War. And the peace talks between the Arab countries
- and Israel are likely to be a long and difficult process. In
- some European countries, conflicts of differing intensities or
- even wars have broken out as a result of ethnic strifes. No one
- can say for sure similar conflicts and wars will not take place
- in other parts of Europe.
- </p>
- <p> What deserves the close attention of the international
- community is that the developing countries, whose population
- constitutes the overwhelming majority of the world's total, are
- finding themselves in an increasingly difficult position. The
- gap between the North and the South continues to widen, with the
- rich countries becoming richer and the poor poorer. Such a state
- of affairs, if allowed to continue, will eventually lead to
- fresh disturbances or even new regional conflicts. The stark
- realities show that the questions of peace and development, the
- two principal themes of the present-day world, remain to be
- solved.
- </p>
- <p> In contrast to a turbulent Europe, the Asia-Pacific region
- enjoys relative stability. The signing of the Paris Agreement
- has laid the foundation for the final settlement of the
- Cambodian conflict. Following their simultaneous participation
- in the United Nations, the North and South of Korea have signed
- the protocol on mutual nonaggression and the joint declaration
- on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The situation
- on the peninsula is moving towards relaxation and stability.
- Quite a few countries in the Asia-Pacific region have enjoyed
- a rather high economic growth rate thanks to political stability
- at home. This region has now become a dynamic and promising
- region in world economic development.
- </p>
- <p>Importance of a Stable China
- </p>
- <p> A stable and economically prosperous China not only is in
- the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, but also
- constitutes an important factor making for peace and stability
- in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.
- </p>
- <p> Over the past decade or more, China has firmly implemented
- the policy of reform and opening to the outside world initiated
- by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, which has brought enormous changes to
- the country. Right now, China enjoys political stability,
- social tranquility, ethnic harmony and a sustained economic
- growth. With full confidence, the Chinese people are advancing
- on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
- </p>
- <p> As a developing country with a huge population, China knows
- full well that its modernization will take a considerably long
- period of time. The attainment of this goal requires two
- indispensable conditions, namely, an environment of prolonged
- peace and stability internationally and prolonged political
- stability at home.
- </p>
- <p>China's Foreign Policy
- </p>
- <p> China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. It
- always maintains that differences in social system, ideology,
- cultural tradition and religious belief should not be an
- obstacle to establishing and developing normal relations between
- states. China is ready to develop friendly relations with all
- countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful
- Coexistence. It will never become a threat to any country or any
- region in the world.
- </p>
- <p> China is of the view that no country should seek hegemony or
- practice power politics. This should be made a principle to be
- observed universally in international relations. China does not
- seek a sphere of influence for itself. It does not seek
- hegemony now, and will not seek hegemony in future when it grows
- stronger.
- </p>
- <p> The past few years saw further strengthening and development
- of the friendly and good-neighborly relations between China and
- its surrounding countries, which is the result of the concerted
- efforts by China and those countries. This, in our view, not
- only serves the common interest of both China and those
- countries, but also contributes to peace and development of the
- region and the world as a whole.
- </p>
- <p>Basic Principles for New International Order
- </p>
- <p> Mr. President, in order to win a genuine peace in the world
- and create a favorable environment for development for the
- people in all countries, the international community is focusing
- more and more on the subject of what a new international order
- should be. In our view, such basic principles as sovereign
- equality of Member States and noninterference in their internal
- affairs, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations,
- should be observed by all its Members without exception. In
- compliance with the spirit of the Charter and the established
- norms governing international relations, and in light of the
- changes in the international situation, the Chinese Government
- wishes to share with the government of other countries some of
- its basic views concerning the establishment of a new
- international order that will be stable, rational, just and
- conducive to world peace and development. These basic views are:
- </p>
- <p>-- The new international order should be established on the
- basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and
- territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, noninterference in
- each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and
- peaceful coexistence. The core of these principles is
- noninterference in each other's internal affairs. The people
- and governments of various countries are entitled to adopt the
- social system and ideology of their own choice in light of
- their national conditions.
- </p>
- <p>-- Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are
- all entitled to participate in world affairs as equal members
- of [the] international community and make their own
- contributions to world peace and development.
- </p>
- <p>-- The new international order should include a new economic
- order. As the ever-widening gap between the North and the South
- and the continued sharpening of their contradictions have
- become a destabilizing factor in international life, the
- establishment of a just and rational new international economic
- order based on equality, mutual benefit and providing for
- appropriate handling of the debt burden has become ever more
- urgent and crucial.
- </p>
- <p>-- Human rights and fundamental freedoms of the entire
- mankind should be universally respected. Human rights cover
- many aspects. They include not only civil and political rights,
- but also economic, social and cultural rights. As far as the
- large numbers of developing countries are concerned, the rights
- to independence, subsistence and development are of paramount
- importance. In essence, the issue of human rights falls within
- the sovereignty of each country. A country's human rights
- situation should not be judged in total disregard of its
- history and national conditions. It is neither appropriate nor
- workable to demand that all countries measure up to the human
- rights criteria or models of one or a small number of countries.
- China values human rights and stands ready to engage in
- discussion and cooperation with other countries on an equal
- footing on the question of human rights on the basis of mutual
- understanding, mutual respect and seeking consensus while
- reserving differences. However, it is opposed to interference
- in the internal affairs of other countries using the human
- rights issue as an excuse.
- </p>
- <p>-- Effective disarmament and arms control should be achieved
- in a fair, reasonable, comprehensive and balanced manner.
- Efforts should be stepped up to attain complete prohibition and
- thorough destruction of nuclear and chemical weapons at an early
- date and to ban the development of space weapons. Countries in
- possession of the largest nuclear and conventional arsenals
- should take the lead in the discharge of their special
- responsibilities for disarmament. All nuclear weapon states
- should undertake not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, or
- to use such weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or
- nuclear-free zones. The nuclear weapons of the disintegrated
- Soviet Union should be placed under effective control. As the
- disarmament issue bears on national security of all states, it
- should be discussed and addressed with their participation.
- </p>
- <p>-- The United Nations should uphold justice and play a more
- active role in maintaining world peace and promoting
- development, as well as in helping establish a new international
- order. As most U.N. member states belong to the developing
- world, it is only reasonable for people to expect that the
- organization will do more in defending the rights and interests
- of the developing countries.
- </p>
- <p>Role of the United Nations
- </p>
- <p> Mr. President, in recent years the United Nations has played
- an important role in maintaining world peace and security,
- accelerating settlement of regional conflicts and promoting
- economic and social development of various countries. In so
- doing, the United Nations has enhanced its prestige and that of
- its Security Council and increased people's confidence in the
- organization. While affirming this, we must also be aware that
- the drastic and profound changes in the international situation
- have led to the reemergence of numerous contradictions
- previously hidden from public eye, adding to instability in the
- pursuit of peace and development in the world. It is in this
- sense that the responsibility of the United Nations and its
- Security Council has become heavier and the challenges facing
- them more formidable.
- </p>
- <p> China is ready to cooperate with all the other Members of
- the Security Council, discuss issues of common interest to the
- international community and exchange views with them as equals
- in the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving
- differences so as to expand areas of consensus. China sincerely
- hopes that the United Nations and its Security Council will play
- a still more active and constructive role in international
- affairs. Now, we have a newly elected U.N. Secretary-General,
- Dr. Ghali. China supports the work of the Secretary-General and
- wishes to pledge full cooperation. We are confident that in
- discharging his duties, the Secretary-General will receive
- extensive support from the developing countries and the
- international community at large.
- </p>
- <p> Mr. President, it is our hope that this meeting will have a
- positive impact on the maintenance of world peace and security
- and play an important role in helping establish the new
- international order and defend the rights and interests of the
- developing countries, thus making a contribution to the
- progress of humanity.
- </p>
- <p> Thank you, Mr. President.
- </p>
- <p>(Text provided by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China,
- Washington.)
- </p>
- <p> The presidency of the Security Council rotates among the
- members in alphabetical order for one-month periods. The United
- Kingdom, as presiding member for January, provided impetus for
- the meeting, and its Prime Minister, John Major chaired it. The
- statements reprinted here are those of the five Permanent
- Members of the Security Council. They are in alphabetical order
- (by country) except for the United Kingdom, placed last because
- Prime Minister Major read the "President's Statement" on behalf
- of the entire Council.
- </p>
- <p> The ten Nonpermanent Members (Nonpermanent Members are
- elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly) were
- represented by: Austria, Chancellor Franz Vranitsky; Belgium,
- Prime Minister Wilfred Martens; Cape Verde, Prime Minister
- Carlos Veiga; Ecuador, President Rodrigo Borja; Hungary, Foreign
- Minister Geca Jeszensky (representing Prime Minister Jozsef
- Antall); India, Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao; Japan, Prime
- Minister Kiichi Miyazawa; Morocco, King Hassan II; Venezuela,
- President Carlos Andres Perez; Zimbabwe, Foreign Minister Nathan
- Shamuyarira (representing President Robert Gabriel Mugabe).
- Texts of their statements can be obtained from the United
- Nations in New York or from the Missions of the individuals
- nations to the U.N.
- </p>
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